Tuesday, 30 June 2020

My Favourite Papers- May 2020


Once a month I choose a few papers I find of interest to general practitioners.



Intramuscular alfaxalone and methadone with or without ketamine in healthy cats: effects on sedation and echocardiographic measurements.

Sedation is sometimes needed to scan feline patients. We often ask ourselves what type of sedation can we use in order to avoid interfering with echocardiographic parameters.



Evaluating the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of maropitant: A systematic review&meta-analysis.

Maropitant is nowadays used as part of routine anaesthetic protocols. However have still not a lot of evidence about its analgesic properties during or after surgery.


Retrospective study of the diagnostic utility of Spec fPL in the assessment of 274 sick cats.

We often use this test in general practice, but interpreting its result is not always straight forward. It does not always allows us to rule out pancreatitis as a cause of the clinical signs.


Evidences on Molecules Most Frequently Included in Canine and Feline Complementary Feed to Support Liver Function

What type of hepatoprotective drugs do we use in our feline patients with hepatic disease?


Retrospective assessment of the clinical relevance of surgical biopsies of abdominal lymph nodes in cats: 51 cases.

What do we expect whilst we wait for histopathological results of abdominal lymph nodes in cats? This retrospective study analyses its clinical relevance.

Thoracic vertebral canal stenosis in cats: clinical features, diagnostic imaging findings, treatment and outcome

Thoracic vertebral stenosis is a differential we always keep in mind when we treat certain dog breeds. But what about cats?  


Antibody response to feline herpesvirus-1 vaccination inhealthy adult cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2020, Vol. 22(4)329–338

How much do we know about the effect of FHV-1 vaccines? Are we just trying to achieve a high antibody titre or is protection something else?


Clinicopathologic and pathologic characteristics of feline proteinurickidney disease.

A retrospective study of 164 feline renal samples. Watch those young male cats with high proteinuria…


Acute on chronic kidney disease in cats: Etiology, clinicaland clinicopathologic findings, prognostic markers, and outcome.

Acute decompensation of CKD is common in cats and its short‐term prognosis is comparable to acute kidney injury.



Factors Contributing to the Decision to Euthanize. Diagnosis,Clinical Signs, and Triggers

There are 5 very frequent clinical signs at the moment of euthanasia in cats. Guess which ones! They do not necessarily correlate with the influence on euthanasia decision making. However will awareness influence how proactive we are when we start spotting them?


European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management

OK, cats are not the perfect host for Dirofilaria. But it may cause pulmonary thromboembolism, eosinophilic inflammatory response in the lungs and sudden death as a consequence.

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